~ 教學評量 第二階段開始填卷囉 ~

本學期第二階段「教師教學評量」及「課程評量」自103/11/24 (一) 00:00起開放至104/01/25 (日) 23:59止



此問卷採不記名方式 進行,同時為維護學生填卷隱私,自本學期起不提供老師查閱「教師教學評量」學生填卷名單,故請同學安心填答。您的回饋及意見可作為本校提升教師教學品質之參考,敬請修課同學踴躍上網填卷。



聯絡人: 王于珊

Tel.: 07-3121101 ext 2109, 2017

E-mail: yswang@gap.kmu.edu.tw





Dear students,

The first period of KMU-Teaching Evaluation survey in this semester is from 11/24 (Mon.) 00:00 to 01/25 (Sun.) 23:59. The survey is composed of Instructor evaluation and Course evaluation. Each evaluation includes 5 rating questions and 3 open-ended questions. The rating scale is a 6-point scale with three levels of agreement and three levels of disagreement (1= Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree). Your responses will be kept completely anonymous. All responses will be compiled together and analyzed as a group. Please feel free to leave your comments honestly in the online system of KMU-Teaching Evaluation.

Your feedback will help us to improve the quality of teaching in KMU. We really appreciate your taking the time to fill out this survey. If you have specific questions about the system or operational details, please contact us.

Best regards,

Contact: Ms. Yu-San Wang

Tel.: 07-3121101 ext 2109, 2017

E-mail: yswang@gap.kmu.edu.tw

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